Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I think the Mary E is on Caribbean time already ! We're still in port. We still had a few things to do such as fuel and provisioning which would have made too late a departure for our first stop. So we're now scheduled for a 6 AM departure tomorrow morning and that will give us enough time to get to our first port, Hunnington, L.I. We'll probably hit some heavy rain tomorrow but after that our weather looks better.
Our first two ports at first look over our routes seem to be the longest runs we'll encounter. We expect to be in Ocean City, Maryland by night 2. I'll spend a bunch of time charting today to firm things up.


  1. Are you sure it's Caribbean time and not Senior time??

  2. I suspect a little of both. Those pirates be waiting for the wind at their backs and dreams of booty in the face.

  3. Well, it's Thursday June 11th and the Mary E finally set off. After lots of provisioning (yummy food - American Chop Suey, Steaks and more) and the final loading of clothes and nic nacs and of course the palm tree, the three crazy pirates took off at 6:30am. Chet & I were there to wish them well and take pictures which Gary hopes to post later today. I'll make sure to add to the blog when I get calls and I know that Gary plans to update us daily.

  4. The vessel they call the Mary E
    This morn put out to sea
    The Islands have been calling out for thee
    May her voyage be worry free
    And in our hearts will always be Bob, Gina and the Mary E.

    It was sad to see the Mary E leave this morning. But happy that Bob is following his dream! C Dock will not be the same! Fair winds and following seas

    June 11, 2009 8:43 AM

  5. I feel funny being first but Captain Bob made NewYork in fine style. The Palm Tree is still on board. Great to see someone going for that dream, sad that nice people leave the country. Fair winds Captain Bob, Mike at Willis

  6. The palm is whole, the captain and his crew ar crusty and covered in "fog"from the LOng Island Sound. They arrive @ the marina around 7 ish and the now out for a good hardy dinner. Well, hope the big G finds a few minutes to post the pictures.

    Fot the crew --- I was up at Siro's and any were jealous wishingthey were with you and all send you their best. Lots of love to our pirates

  7. Hi Bob, Gina and Gary,

    Celebrity Update: Bob's grandsons' band was banned from playing in two pubs last week. Since then they have been getting daily newspaper and radio publicity that money can't buy. They were backstage guests of the "Dropkick Murphys" at Great woods. They're making a lot of noise, and will be big kid stars. Good for them.

    As for you three scalawags, thanks for keeping the price of rum down. Hope to talk to you soon.

